Garden for Good
The Garden for Good is located at the Indian Rock Nature Preserve. Starting in 2017, the Garden grows a variety of vegetables that are donated to local food pantries in the city of Bristol while offering educational programming about sustainable agriculture to members of the community. A cadre of volunteers assist with planting, harvest, and donations of produce throughout the growing season.
Every summer, the Garden bursts with fresh tomatoes and herbs, green beans and lettuce, healthy greens like kale, collards and swiss chard, summer squash, corn, broccoli, eggplant, cucumbers and peppers. Throughout the plot, native flowering plants attracted pollinating insects and added to the beauty and diversity of the garden. The growing season continues into the fall for a harvest selection of pumpkin, potatoes, and squash.
“It was a fabulous educational experience about gardening/agriculture, therapeutic to work in the earth around the animals and feel-good to know the produce was benefiting those in need.” Says Joanna Perricone, a Gardening for Good volunteer.
In addition to producing much needed food, the garden also provided educational opportunities for campers at Indian Rock Summer Camp.
Volunteers are an integral part of the Garden for Good. How’s your green thumb? Looking to build your skills? The Garden welcomes volunteers at all skill levels. Volunteering is an excellent way to build your knowledge in order to begin your own garden at home – we’ll teach you all that we know.
Interested in volunteering? Head over to our volunteer page below to learn how to get involved!