Free Nature Videos for Parents & Instructors

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Signs of Spring: Ferns (16:30)

The American Toad (16:05)

Yarde’s Apple Orchard (9:53)

Signs of Spring: Birds (14:10)

Leave No Trace: Traveling on Durable Surfaces (21:22)

Leave No Trace: Respecting Wildlife (13:40)

Leave No Trace: Camping on Durable Surfaces (19:59)

Leave No Trace: Being Prepared When Going Outside (11:34)

Leave No Trace: Leaving What You Find (15:26)

Leave No Trace: Disposing of Waste Properly (14:09)

Wigwams (18:30)

The Bearded Dragon (21:20)

Maple Sugaring Process (20:48)

Eastern Milk Snake (13:34)

Turtles (20:59)

Animal Evidence Left Outside (22:10)

Frog Defense Stategies (21:27)

Winter Tree ID: A Sampling of Evergreens (19:44)

The Wood Frog in Winter (19:36)

Teeth Structure & Function (21:04)

Eastern Screech Owl (21:31)

Kettle Broad Winged Hawk (19:45)

Downy Woodpecker (0:28)

White Breasted Nuthatch Bird (0:14)

Turkey Time (15:16)

The Muskrat (15:36)

The Grey Fox (13:04)

The Beaver (17:52)

The Possum (18:29)

American Toad (15:44)

The Pink Lady Slipper-Orchid (13:29)

Lamb/Sheep – Part 7 (20:21)

Finn the Red-tailed Hawk (17:37)

The Skunk Cabbage (12:01)

The Eastern White Pine Tree (16:15)

Lamb/Sheep – Part 6 (13:27)

Yarde’s Orchard (11:48)

The Eastern Hemlock (13:39)

The Mountain Laurel (15:06)

Lamb/Sheet – Part 5: Ewes & Lambs (16:58)

Ferns (17:39)

The Madagascar Hissing Cockroach (19:27)

The Robin (12:15)

Honey Bees (25:44)

Lamb/Sheep- Part 4 (16:31)

Animal Artifacts: Black Bear, White-tailed Deer, Bobcat (16:52)

Common Snapping Turtle (15:57)

Watersheds (16:13)

Lamb/Sheep – Part 3(16:42)

The Wood Frog (15:18)

Eastern Painted Turtle (16:41)

Maebel the Pot-Bellied Pig (16:37)

Happy Earth Day! (9:11)

Lamb/Sheet – Part 2: Newly “Sheared” Sheep Family! (8:13)

The Cuban Knight Anole (12:29)

Evidence of Animals-Tracks, Scatt, etc. (22:43)

House Finches (17:49)

Lambs/Sheep – Part 1: Three Sets of Twins! (13:41)

Nina & Jay, Jersey Cows (12:03)

The White’s Tree Frog (15:32)

The Bearded Dragon (13:59)

Snakes (Corn & Western Hob-nosed) (17:04)

The Eastern Screech Owl (18:22)

American Toad (15:30)

First Signs of Spring (2:40)

Henry the Eastern Box Turtle (18:03)

Crested Gecko (18:05)

New Indian Rock Lambs (14:08)


Tips & Tricks to Winter Animal Tracking (8:27)

Sap to Syrup (8:09)

Dart Frogs (3:05)

The Walking Stick (4:44)

The Best of Binoculars! (6:01)

Trail Safety (4:33)

The Legend of the Strawberry (4:47)

The Rough Faced Girl (11:15)

Early Spring Birds (7:14)

Virtual Farm Tour (4:44)


The Gray Catbird (0:48)

The Black and White Warbler (1:01)

Red Wing Black Bird (0:31)

Bumble Bee (0:51)

Baby Lambs at Indian Rock! (0:28)

Brown-headed Cowbird (0.25)

Yellow-banded Dart Frogs (0:43)

Panther Chameleon Eating a Cricket (0:17)

Enjoying Fall’s Bounty (0:28)

Turtle Feeding Time at Barnes Nature Center (2:06)

The Three Lambs Meet Each Other for the First Time Outside and Exuberance is the Word of the Day on the Farm! (0:09)

Meet the Cape Barren Goose! (0:51)

Lamb – Just Another Day on the Farm at Indian Rock Nature Preserve (0:06)

Sweet Pepperbush Attracts Pollinators at Barnes Nature Center (0:41)

Bonnie and Clyde – the American Toads at Barnes Nature Center (0:34)

Wood Frog Tadpoles (0:38)

Giant Cave Roach Molts into Adulthood (0:33)

Terrific Turkeys at Indian Rock Nature Preserve – Male Turkeys (1:16)

Terrific Turkeys at Indian Rock Nature Preserve – Female Turkeys (0:25)

Common Grackle Flock at Indian Rock Nature Preserve (0:26)